Archive for the ‘Dog Health’ Category

Dog Nail Health

Posted on: December 19th, 2023 by Asia
Proper Dog Nail Health

Proper dog nail health is important for the overall health of your fur friend.

Once they’re too long, the quick (the vein) will grow longer into the nail, which makes it impossible to trim the nails back far enough.

Save Your Floors – Save Your Skin

Short nails will also save your hardwood floors and nicely rounded nails, rather than clipped nails leaving sharp edges will also save your skin from scratches.

How Do You Know If the Nails Are Too Long?

If you can hear the nails clicking on the floor – they’re too long and you’re compromising your dog’s nail health.

If this is the case with your dog’s nails, you need to work on trimming them back a little bit every week, getting them as close to the quick as possible, so that the vein starts to naturally recede farther back into the nail.

Properly trimming a dog’s nails is a skill that should often be left to the professionals, and especially if you are nervous, uncertain, or have difficulties doing this yourself, it’s best to enlist the help of a professional on a regular basis.

If you’re a K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering client, “pawdicures” are one of the exclusive extra services we offer to our furry clients.

We use a specially designed Dremel tool to safely and painlessly grind down the nails to get them as short as possible, and then we finish up with an anti-bacterial Neem oil treatment for the paws and nails.

Asia Moore ~ Ask a Dog Whisperer
© 2023 – All Rights Reserved

Is Dog Stress Killing Your Best Fur Friend?

Posted on: December 12th, 2023 by Asia
Is Stress Killing Your Dog?

We’ve all heard about how stress can kill humans, but have any of us humans ever stopped to consider how dog stress is also taking its toll on our beloved canine population?

Once we humans decided to domesticate dogs, remove from all they previously knew and fully integrate them into our immediate environment, they have become affected by all our human foibles and diseases, which includes a mountain of stress.

In many cases, we have unknowingly created situations that are unnatural to our dogs whom we now expect to function as small fur humans and just forget about the true nature of their very being.

There are many humans situations, which seem normal and every day to us humans, that when not approached in a way that the dog can properly comprehend can cause ongoing dog stress for your fur friend that will ultimately shorten your dog’s life.

Dog Stress Situations

There are multiple situations and daily activities in the human world that can cause a great deal of dog stress which the average human may not even be aware of.

When you start to think about how much we have changed the lives of dogs over the centuries and how much we expect them to accept or give up as they become part of a human family, we start to realize that all that is part of our daily routine, is largely foreign to our dogs.

Riding in Vehicles

Many dogs are just expected to blindly accept that they will ride about in vehicles, and for many of our fur friends, this simple transportation system that has been part of our human daily lifestyle for a very long time, and which we don’t even think about, if not introduced properly can be a big dog stress.

The Little Things

What we humans think of as simple, little things, such as nail clipping and bath time can cause much dog stress.

In the wild, dogs don’t need their nails trimmed because they wear them down naturally from all their daily motion, but when they come to live with us, we are much more sedentary than the average dog, therefore our dogs don’t get the exercise they need, and thus their nails grow too long, so require regular trimming.

When your dog is not properly introduced to a nail clipping routine, this process than cause traumatic dog stress so severe that your dog will do anything to avoid the procedure.

In the wild, dogs don’t take baths, but instead they run through streams and puddles, swim in lakes and oceans, and they never have to mask their natural scent with lovely human fragrances so that they are more agreeable to the humans.

No Job – No Exercise

Dogs are natural born athletes who, in order to stay healthy, need to move at a pace much faster than the average human is capable of.

Over the centuries our dogs have worked outside with us, providing valuable services to help us get through our daily grind, but today, many of our dogs are confined, must stay indoors all day long and just don’t get the exercise or mental stimulation they need. This causes a great deal of dog stress.

Victoria’s very own Dog Whispering team is concerned that the majority of the Greater Victoria and Vancouver Island dog population is suffering from stress overload that could very easily lead to an early death for many beloved canine companions.

The K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering team believes that the majority of dogs are not receiving the leadership they need from their humans resulting in many stressed, unhappy dogs acting out in noisy, destructive and dangerous ways.

The K-9 Super Heroes team says that an out of control dog not only disrupts the household and puts children and adults in a potentially harmful situation, the stressful, ripple effect is also felt throughout the entire neighbourhood.

Of course, our fur friends can be easily integrated into our human lifestyle and learn to accept many unnatural situations without the stress than can shorten their lives once the humans understand that there are many things they can do to help extend the lives of their best friends.

How Do I Know if My Dog is Stressed?

There are many different ways that dogs display their stress, with the more common indications being excessive excitement, panting, barking, pulling, lunging, growling and aggressive behavior towards other dogs and humans.

Not only do the above behaviors put a tremendous stress load onto the dog, the result of which can shorten your best friend’s life.

Even worse, if left unchecked these types of unstable behaviors can escalate to such a degree that your best friend may hurt someone and be sentenced to an early death.

Also, the family that doesn’t know how to rehabilitate these unwanted behaviors may feel forced into making the decision to remove their dog to a local pound or rescue organization, which may also result in early death.

The K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering team is often called upon to show humans how to stop this unwanted behavior and bring peace to the neighbourhood.

Help your dog live a stress-free, happy life. If you need help, please contact us today.

– Asia
Dog Whispering for 40+ years
© Since 2008

Confronting Canine Obesity: Is Your Dog Overweight and Unhealthy?

Posted on: November 29th, 2023 by Asia
Is Your Dog Overweight?

Is Your BFF Overweight?

Just like us humans, far too many of our best fur friends are overweight too.

Our canine companions suffer from many of the same health related diseases their human guardians suffer from, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Dogs are natural athletes, not naturally overweight…they get that way because they live with humans who do not take care of them properly and instead of getting them out there walking, running and exercising like dogs are meant to, keep them unnaturally sedentary.

There are only two reasons for a dog to be unhealthily overweight:

  • (1) they are fed terrible, fatty food and/or too much of it; and
  • (2) they do not get any or enough exercise.

Many of these problems can be helped simply by making healthier food choices and increasing daily exercise.

When you have a dog, you’ve always got a reason to exercise more and when you have an overweight dog, you really need to exercise more, if you love them and want them to live as long a life as possible.

There is a simple way to determine if your dog is overweight.

When they are standing, place your hand flat against their ribs and if you cannot feel any of their ribs when you apply a little firm pressure, this means that your dog is spending too much time at the feed bowl and not enough time being outside moving around and enjoying being a dog.

Don’t shorten your dog’s life…instead, help your BFF live a long and healthy life by making sure you are not over-feeding and that you and they are getting out for lots of exercise.

P.S. looking for a breed specific book? Perhaps I’ve written a book all about your favorite canine (400+ and counting). All my books are listed, or soon will be listed, at Must Have Publishing.

Asia Moore ~ Ask a Dog Whisperer
© 2023 – All Rights Reserved

Spear Grass: The Summertime Threat to Pets and How to Avoid It

Posted on: November 27th, 2023 by Asia
Dangerous Spear Grass

Did you know that there are approximately 60 species of spear grass, commonly known under many different names, including, foxtail grass, porcupine grass, needle grass, silver spike grass, etc. and “spear grass” is the generic term used for any wild grass that has barbed seeds.

What Spear Grass Looks Like

There is dangerous foxtail barley grass growing everywhere in the Victoria, BC area (it looks similar to wheat), including the off-leash area of Beacon Hill Park, and although this grass is beautiful and graceful in it’s green and purple growing stage, once it dries out, the spears have a Velcro-like texture that easily attach themselves to anything that brushes past, including your best fur friends.

Each small piece that attaches itself to a passing dog also has a needle sharp end that can easily pierce your dog’s skin and work it’s way inside your dog’s body.

No matter what name you give this insidious grass, there is no denying that any type of spear grass and your pet are a dangerously unhealthy and treacherous combination that can cause your pet much pain and distress.

Spear Grass and Dogs Don’t Mix

Spear grass is most dangerous for dogs once it has become dried out and more easily falls from the stalks and is most often a problem from late spring through to the fall.

Make sure that you keep a vigilant eye during the spear grass season and if you allow your dog to romp through grassy areas, always check between the toes, underbelly, eyes, ears, nose, etc., because if just one of these Velcro-like seeds gets into an ear canal, for instance, your dog will be doing a lot of head shaking and ear scratching and may even whine or cry because he or she is experiencing extreme pain.

Once a spear grass has lodged itself in an ear canal or up the dog’s nose, removal will require an expensive trip to your local vet’s office.

The seeds found in the ears, eyes and nose can cause very serious problems, even to the point of becoming life threatening if not discovered and properly treated. Because these seeds literally stick to anything, and are designed to move forward through the hair, to pierce the skin, no body part is immune.

The seeds have been found in the urethra, vagina, anal glands, brain, and spinal cord. In one case a veterinarian found a seed in the lung, even though the original site of entry was through the paw. Spear grass can also gain easy entry through open wounds.

Final Thoughts about Spear Grass

To shield your furry friends from the hazards of spear grass, pet guardians can adopt a proactive approach with these steps:

  • Thorough Checks Post-Adventure: Make a habit of a quick brush-down for your pet after outdoor excursions. Examine their ears, eyes, noses, and paws diligently for spear grass infiltrations.
  • Awareness is Key: Post-playtime in grassy expanses, a detailed inspection is crucial. Keep an eye out for symptoms like head shaking, ear scratching, paw licking or chewing, or persistent whining, which could signal spear grass troubles.
  • Strategic Grooming: A well-groomed pet is a safer pet. Trimming the fur around paws and ears lessens the likelihood of spear grass embedding itself into their skin.
  • Preemptive Landscape Care: Eliminate any spear grass from your surroundings to drastically reduce the danger it poses to your pets.

Staying ahead of the game with these measures will greatly diminish the chances of spear grass incidents with your pets.

Spring and summertime in the Northwest is a wonderful time for dogs and their guardians to be outside enjoying the sites and sounds and you can make sure that all this fun activity remains a happy memory when you carefully inspect for spear grass after each outing.

Asia Moore ~ Ask a Dog Whisperer
© 2014 – All Rights Reserved

$250 Dog Poop Trap

Posted on: November 19th, 2023 by Asia
No Dog Poop - $250 Dollar Fine

What’s a $250 Dog Poop Trap?

No doubt you’ve heard of a “speed trap”, but for irresponsible dog owners who refuse to pick up after their dogs, what about a “$250. poop trap”?

Sure everyone is more vigilant when they see the local enforcement authorities wandering about in their uniforms, but what if they were in plain clothes and just wandering about at the off-leash park or beach?

It’s a $250. Fine

Perhaps you’re not aware that not picking up after your dog is a substantial $250. fine – that’s more than not having a current dog tag on your fur friend’s collar.

What’s worse is that dog poop is highly toxic and when you don’t pick up, this toxin finds it’s way into our water supplies, and into our homes.

Why might it be a good idea for control officers to blend into society so that they can catch irresponsible owners?

Nobody wants to step in doggy do, and they sure don’t want to smell it when they’re taking a few hours to enjoy the sun and sea at the beach.

None of us conscientious dog owners want to keep on taking the rap for those who think it’s OK to operate outside of the rules of common decency.

I’m sure that all conscientious dog owners have many times seen a big pile of dog poo left on the side of the road in your neighbourhood, or at your local park, and I’m sure that being the conscientious dog owner that you are, you’ve picked up many loads that didn’t come out of your dog, while silently cursing the irresponsible dog owners who makes all the rest look bad.

Pick It Up – It’s the Law

Because there are so many more dogs in homes these days than ever before, this means that sadly there are many more piles of poop not being picked up.

Every time a dog owner does not pick up after their dog, this inaction creates a health hazard and puts all other dog owners in a bad light which broadens the wedge between those who love dogs and those who would rather see them banned from all public places.

As an example, just yesterday when we were pack-waking with our clients as we do every Saturday, the weather was gorgeous and we decided to return to the beach. There were lots of dogs and humans enjoying the sunshine and ignoring their off-leash dogs.

Within a space of just five minutes we saw two dog owners NOT pick up after their dogs.

One young woman actually dug a hole in the beach and buried her dog’s poop under an inch or two of small rocks and when one of our group called her on it, her excuse was that it was better than filling landfills with plastic.

When I replied that most doggy do-do bags are biodegradable, she became belligerent and said, “you look after your dog and I’ll look after mine.”

A minute farther down the beach and we witnessed another dog squeezing out a fresh pile of poop while the two young guys who seemed to be associated were already too far down the beach to ever notice.

We live very near a beautiful little park where we often walk our dog, and inevitably we are picking up after a dog and owner that has long since left the vicinity.

In fact, we seem to pick up far more dog poop from other dogs than from our own.

The Power of Peer Pressure

So what’s the solution to solving this problem before dogs are banned from all public areas?

Conscientious dog owners need to voice their opinions loudly whenever they see someone not picking up, as sometimes it’s a legitimate mistake, but for those who are purposefully not picking up, perhaps a little peer pressure or embarrassment might do the trick.

Of course, it might have the opposite effect and you will get a hail of four-letter words back at you.

No matter if this happens, as the person is really swearing at themselves because they know they are wrong and perhaps unbeknownst to you, they will change their errant ways somewhere down the road.

I say, why not set up poop traps and start making some serious money for the city?

If every time a plain clothes enforcement officer catches someone not picking up they fine the individual $250. wouldn’t you think that this considerable hit to the wallet would have a positive effect on teaching the irresponsible that the rules also apply to them?

If you have a good idea about how to get those dog owners to be more responsible, put it in play, and help all conscientious dog owners make our community a safer, cleaner and all round better place for everyone.

– Asia – Dog Whispering for 40+ years
© [Since 2008]

Dog Stress and Anxiety Management: Don’t Blame the Dog – Part #4

Posted on: June 14th, 2023 by Asia
Dog Stress and Anxiety Management

How to Avoid Dog Stress & Anxiety

Dog stress and anxiety management for our furry friends is crucial for their overall well-being, and there are various techniques and strategies that can help alleviate these issues.

As responsible dog owners, it’s our duty to understand from our dogs’ perspective and understand how their behavior is a sign so that we can effectively address their stress and anxiety.

One effective strategy is to create a safe and comfortable environment for our pets.

This can be achieved by providing them with a cozy bed or crate, toys, and a designated quiet space just for them to rest and relax.

Additionally, it’s important to establish a routine and stick to it as much as possible.

This can include regular feeding times, exercise routines, and playtime.

Another way to manage stress and anxiety in dogs is through positive reinforcement training.

This technique involves rewarding desirable behavior, such as calmness and obedience, and ignoring or redirecting negative behavior.

This approach helps build trust and confidence in dogs, leading to a more positive and relaxed demeanor.

It’s also essential to identify any triggers that may cause stress and anxiety in our pets.

This can range from loud noises to unfamiliar environments, or separation anxiety.

Once identified, we can then work on gradually desensitizing our pets to these triggers.

By taking a proactive approach to managing stress and anxiety in our dogs, we can create a happier and healthier environment for both our furry friends and their people.

Remember, don’t blame the dog, but rather take responsibility for their well-being.


Understanding canine perspectives is essential in building a strong relationship with our furry friends.

Rewarding positive behavior, socialization, training, exercise, and stress management are all important factors that contribute to a well-rounded and healthy dog.

Did you know that a recent survey found that 1 in 5 dogs suffer from separation anxiety?

This statistic highlights the importance of stress and anxiety management for our pets and the need for us to be aware of their emotional well-being.

By providing them with a safe and comfortable environment, along with proper care and attention, we can help reduce their anxiety levels and improve their overall quality of life.

As guardians of our fur friends, it’s our responsibility to educate ourselves on their needs and understand their behaviors.

By doing so, we not only improve our relationship with our pets but also ensure that they’re happy, healthy, and thriving.

Make sure that you take the time to understand your furry friends’ perspectives and provide them with the love and care they deserve.

The right Energy, Communication, and Interpretation play a crucial role in a happy dog, happy human relationship.

If you need help in this area, please contact us here at K-9 Super Heroes Dog Whispering.

Also, please check out my previous articles listed below in Part #1, Part #2, and Part #3 of this “Don’t Blame the Dog” series.

The Role of Exercise: Don’t Blame the Dog – Part #3

Posted on: June 6th, 2023 by Asia
Dog Exercise

Dog Exercise

Exercising your furry friend is an essential aspect of responsible dog ownership that promotes physical health and mental well-being.

Regular exercise helps your dog maintain a healthy weight, strengthens their muscles and bones, and improves their cardiovascular health.

Additionally, it is a primal instinct of dogs to wander their territory and exercise helps to relieve stress and anxiety in dogs, which can lead to a happier and more well-behaved companion.

Understand the daily exercise requirements of your particular dog and make sure they are being met.

For instance, a high-energy working or herding breed will not be satisfied with a sedate walk around the block

To make exercising your dog more enjoyable, consider the following tips:

  • Mix up the Routine: Take your dog on different routes during walks to keep things interesting. Try different types of exercise, such as swimming or hiking, to keep your dog engaged.
  • Make it Social: Dogs are social animals and often enjoy the company of other dogs. Consider setting up playdates with other dogs or taking your dog to a dog park to run and play with other pups.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Effective dog training techniques involve positive reinforcement. Use treats and praise to encourage your dog to exercise and to reinforce good behavior.

As we dive deeper into understanding canine behavior and perspective, it’s important to also consider what may be the cause of stress and anxiety.

The next blog post will discuss stress and anxiety in dogs and how to manage it.

If you missed Part #1 and Part #2 of this series here are the links below. Enjoy!

– Asia
Dog Whispering for 40+ years
© Since 2008

Unraveling Mysterious Canine Behavior: Don’t Blame the Dog – Part #1

Posted on: May 23rd, 2023 by Asia
Don't Blame the Dog for Bad Behavior if You Don't Take the Time to Training Them

As a dog owner, you’ve no doubt often found yourself frustrated with your furry companion’s canine behavior.

Why won’t he stop barking?

Why does she keep chewing on things she shouldn’t?

Why doesn’t he listen to me?

It’s easy to jump to conclusions and blame the dog, but what if we took a step back and tried to understand things from their perspective?

After all, our canine friends have their own unique ways of communicating and interpreting the world around them.

In this article, we’ll delve into some key concepts that can help us better understand our dogs and strengthen our relationships with them.

From rewarding positive behavior to managing stress and anxiety, we’ll explore various topics that can help us become more empathetic and effective dog owners.

So, if you’re ready to gain a deeper understanding of your four-legged friend, read on!

Communication and Canine Behavior Interpretation

If I were a dog, I’d probably say, “It’s not like we can just wag our tails and expect humans to understand us, so it’s kind of funny how they expect us to understand their every command.”

Communication is key, but it’s not always easy for us dogs to interpret what humans are saying.

Instead of all that talking that humans rely on, us dogs rely heavily on energy, body language, tone of voice, and even the scent of their emotions to understand what they want from us.

As much as we want to please our owners, we also have our own canine instincts and behavior that we sometimes find challenging to suppress.

Often humans blame us when we act out, but they don’t understand that we’re not trying to be bad, it’s just our natural response to a certain situation.

That’s why it’s important for humans to try and understand things from our 4-legged perspective, to see things through our eyes and not just blame the dog.

With that being said, rewarding positive behavior is a great way to encourage us dogs to pay attention and learn more quickly the lessons humans are trying to teach.

Rewarding Positive Behavior

You can encourage good behavior in your furry friend by using rewards and positive reinforcement.

Canine behavior can be modified through consistent training, and positive feedback is an essential part of it.

You can use verbal praise, treats, or toys to communicate to your dog that they’ve done something right.

Positive reinforcement requires patience, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Where we humans often miss out is forgetting to praise our dogs when they performed the task we asked.

We are quick to scold when our dog does something we don’t like, but often forget to tell them when they actually did what we asked of them.

When your dog understands they’ll be rewarded for good behavior, they’re more likely to repeat it.

Responsible dog ownership involves more than just feeding and sheltering your pet.

It also requires proper socializing, training, and supervision in combination with consistent persistence, repetition, and much patience, while maintaining a calm, yet assertive energy.

Training is a crucial aspect of owning a dog, and it’s essential to begin schooling your dog as early as possible.

Dog owners need to understand that, in order to thrive, every dog needs to feel that they can trust and respect their humans, and this requires consistent guidance and boundaries.

This is why the importance of supervision in dog ownership can’t be overstated.

As the owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your pet behaves appropriately and that they’re not a danger to themselves or others.

In Part #2 of the “Don’t Blame the Dog” series, we discuss the importance of socialization and training in more detail.

Go check it out…Mastering Dog Socialization and Training: Don’t Blame the Dog – Part #2.

– Asia
Dog Whispering for 40+ years
© Since 2008

Dogs in the Workplace: A Win-Win for Employers and Employees

Posted on: May 17th, 2023 by Asia
Dog in the workplace and office.

As a dog lover and pet owner, the thought of being able to bring my furry friend to work with me is a dream come true.

The idea of having my loyal companion by my side throughout the workday not only brings me joy but also has numerous benefits for both myself and my workplace.

Dogs in the workplace have become increasingly popular in recent years and for good reason.

Studies have shown that having dogs in the office can improve employee morale, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity.

In addition, dogs can also serve as a means of socialization and help facilitate communication among colleagues.

However, as much as we love our canine companions, there are also drawbacks to having them in the workplace.

In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of dogs in the workplace, as well as provide tips for implementing a dog-friendly work policy and preparing your dog for the office.

Benefits of Dogs at Work

Having furry companions around can boost morale and productivity, making the office a more enjoyable and efficient environment.

Dogs at work can help reduce stress levels and promote a positive atmosphere.

A pet-friendly office attracts employees who value a healthy work-life balance and want to bring their furry friends with them.

In addition to the social and emotional benefits, there are also health benefits to having dogs at work.

Taking breaks to walk and play with dogs can increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior.

However, it’s important to have a dog-friendly workplace policy to ensure the safety and health of both the employees and the dogs.

Moving on to the drawbacks of having dogs in the workplace, there are also some concerns regarding health, safety, and productivity.

Drawbacks of Dogs in the Workplace

You may feel like a fish out of water when dealing with the downsides of bringing furry friends into the office.

While there are numerous advantages to having canine companions in the workplace, there are also some disadvantages that need to be considered.

One major drawback is allergies. Not everyone is comfortable with dogs, and some may be sensitive to pet dander or fur, which can lead to serious health problems.

As such, it’s important to ensure that your pet-friendly policies take into account the sensitivities of all employees, including those with allergies.

Another issue to consider when implementing a dog-friendly work policy is security.

While dogs can provide a sense of safety and comfort in the workplace, they can also pose a risk to sensitive company data or personal belongings.

Additionally, occupational health and safety should also be taken into account.

Dogs may cause distractions or accidents that could result in injuries, which could lead to costly lawsuits.

Therefore, it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of having dogs in the workplace and implement workplace policies that are sensitive to the needs and safety of all employees.

As we move into the next section about implementing a dog-friendly work policy, it’s important to keep in mind both the advantages and disadvantages of having dogs in the workplace.

By taking a holistic approach to pet-friendly policies, you can create an environment that’s safe, inclusive, and enjoyable for everyone.

Implementing a Dog-Friendly Work Policy

Creating a friendly and welcoming environment for dogs in the workplace can be a great way to improve the overall work environment for staff and team members.

A pet-friendly workplace can boost morale, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase job satisfaction.

However, it’s important to implement a canine-friendly policy that takes into account the needs of both dogs and their human counterparts.

To create a successful dog-friendly work policy, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines and expectations for both dogs and their owners.

This includes setting rules for acceptable behavior, providing designated areas for dogs, and making sure that employees feel comfortable in the presence of dogs.

Additionally, it’s important to ensure that all dogs are properly trained, vaccinated, and socialized before they’re allowed on company premises.

By following these guidelines, companies can create a work environment that’s both welcoming to dogs and supportive of their workers.

As a result, employees are likely to feel more engaged and satisfied with their jobs, leading to increased productivity and success in the workplace.

In the next section, we’ll discuss some tips for preparing your dog for the workplace.

Tips for Preparing Your Dog for the Workplace

Get your furry friend ready to join you at work with these helpful tips that’ll have tails wagging and coworkers smiling.

Before bringing your dog to the office, you must ensure that the environment is canine-friendly.

Make sure your office has a pet-friendly policy and that your colleagues are comfortable with dogs.

You should also consider the physical condition of your dog.

Take them for a veterinary checkup to ensure they’re healthy, up-to-date on their vaccinations, and free from parasites.

Aside from physical health, you must also consider your dog’s behavior.

Properly train and socialize them to prevent any negative effects on the workplace.

A well-behaved dog can improve the well-being of the office by reducing stress levels and increasing employee morale.

If your dog is a service dog, ensure that your company is aware of its purpose and is willing to accommodate its needs.

With these tips, your furry friend will be ready to join you in the office, providing positive effects for everyone.

While bringing your dog to work can be a great experience, not all offices are dog-friendly.

In the next section, we’ll discuss alternatives for non-dog-friendly offices.

Alternatives for Non-Dog-Friendly Offices

If your furry companion can’t accompany you to the office, don’t worry, there are other alternatives for non-dog-friendly offices.

While having dogs in the workplace can bring many perks such as increased social support and protection, there are also negative aspects to consider, such as allergic reactions and work regulations.

Here are some options to consider for your pup:

  • Doggy daycare: This is a great option if you want your dog to socialize and exercise during the day while you’re at work. They’ll get to interact with other dogs and receive the attention they need from trained professionals.
  • Dog walker: If you prefer to have your dog stay at home, hiring a dog walker is a good option. They’ll take your pup for a walk during the day and give them some much-needed attention.
  • Family or friend: If you have a trusted family member or friend who loves dogs, you could ask them to take care of your pup during the day. This is a good option if you want your dog to stay in a familiar environment.

Remember, while it’s tough not to have your furry friend by your side during the workday, there are still many options available to ensure they receive the care and attention they need.

It’s important to consider your dog’s needs and personality when choosing an alternative.

If you have a disability and rely on your dog for assistance, it’s important to know that there are laws in place to protect your rights.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) allows service animals to accompany their owners in non-dog-friendly offices.

Be sure to educate yourself on the specific regulations and requirements for service animals in the workplace.

Frequently Ask Questions

How long can I leave my dog alone while at work?

It’s recommended not to leave a dog alone for more than 6-8 hours. Consider hiring a dog walker or using doggy daycare to ensure their needs are met.

What are the problems with dogs at work?

Potential issues include allergies, distractions, conflicts between dogs, and disruptions to the work environment. Proper policies and guidelines can help address these concerns.

Are dogs happier when you work from home?

Dogs may enjoy the company and attention when their owners work from home, but individual preferences vary. Providing a structured routine and mental stimulation is important for their well-being.

What are the cons of having pets at work?

Drawbacks can include potential distractions, allergies among employees, hygiene challenges, and liability concerns. Assessing these factors and establishing clear guidelines is crucial for a successful pet-friendly workplace.

How do I introduce my dog to work?

Gradually acclimate your dog to the work environment, ensuring their comfort and safety. Introduce them to colleagues and provide a designated space with toys and their own belongings to create a positive association. Monitor their behavior and make adjustments as needed.


In conclusion, having dogs in the workplace can have numerous benefits for both employees and employers, including increased productivity, reduced stress, and improved morale.

However, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks, such as allergies and distractions, before implementing a dog-friendly policy.

According to a survey conducted by Banfield Pet Hospital, 65% of employees who are allowed to bring their dogs to work reported feeling more loyal to their company.

This statistic highlights the positive impact that dogs can have on employee satisfaction and retention.

If you’re considering implementing a dog-friendly policy in your workplace, be sure to set clear guidelines and expectations for employees and their furry companions.

And for those who work in non-dog-friendly offices, there are still plenty of ways to incorporate the benefits of animal companionship into your workday, such as taking breaks to walk outside or scheduling a visit from a therapy dog.

At the end of the day, a little bit of canine love can go a long way in improving the overall work environment.

– Asia
Dog Whispering for 40+ years
© Since 2008

When Your Dog Is a Picky Eater: How to Make Mealtime Fun Again

Posted on: May 11th, 2023 by Asia
Is Your Dog a Picky Eater?

As a dog owner, it can be frustrating and concerning when your dog is a picky eater and turns its nose up at mealtime – don’t worry because you’re not alone.

Did you know that over 50% of dogs are picky eaters, and in most cases, their caring owners don’t know why?

That’s right, half of our furry friends refuse to eat their food or need coaxing to do so.

But before you start doctoring their food or free feeding, let’s dive into the truth about picky eaters and how to handle the situation without creating unhealthy habits.

As a dog lover myself, I understand the desire to spoil our pets with tasty treats and table scraps, however, the truth is that picky eating in dogs can lead to behavioral issues and even malnutrition.

In this article, I will explore the common causes of picky eating, the role of taste and smell, the importance of finding the right food for your pup and how not listening to what your dog is telling you may have contributed to picky eating.

So, if you’re ready to learn how to encourage your dog to eat without resorting to unhealthy habits, let’s dive in

Common Causes Your Dog is a Picky Eater

There are a few common causes to consider.

First, it could be a matter of smell.

Dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, and if their food doesn’t smell appetizing, they may not want to eat it.

Secondly, it could be a matter of taste.

Dogs, like humans, have taste preferences when it comes to their food.

They may not like the texture, flavor, or even the brand.

Finally, it could be a matter of health.

  • Your dog knows instinctively what they need to eat to be healthy; or
  • If your dog is feeling unwell, it may not feel like eating.

So, what can you do if your dog is a picky eater?

Firstly, don’t panic. Your dog will not starve themselves to death.

Secondly, ask yourself if your dog is eating the best food for their health.

Consider different types (raw, freeze-dried, dehydrated, dry kibble) brands, textures, and flavors.

Many dogs have food allergies, and your dog may know better than you that the food you are offering them is not the best for their health.

If you are already feeding a highly nutritious food, you can try adding some healthy toppers, such as cooked chicken, vegetables, or a splash of unsalted, organic bone broth.

You may be feeding too much, or giving too many treats during the day, so your dog is simply not hungry at mealtimes or prefers to wait for more treats they know will soon be coming.

Finally, try to establish a feeding routine, and if they’ve shown no interest within 20 minutes, remove the food and try again at the next feeding time.

They may be more interested in eating if they understand they have a window of opportunity.

Feeding them at the same time every day can help regulate their appetite and ensure they are hungry at mealtime.

If you are concerned that there may be underlying medical conditions causing them to refuse their food, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian.

The Role of Smell and Taste in Dog Food

When a dog is first born, they rely on their sense of smell before anything else, therefore, when it comes to smell and taste, it’s easy to understand why some foods are more appealing than others.

While it’s frustrating when your dog turns their nose up at their usual food, it’s important to understand that there may be simple reasons for this.

If your dog has always been a picky eater, it may simply be a matter of taste preference.

Are you feeding dry kibble? Did you taste it yourself?

Most of these types of food have a minimal smell and little taste.

Consider that if first the food has little enticing smell, and then the taste is also less than appealing, what’s in the food bowl is offering very little incentive unless the dog is really hungry.

In other words, if you want them to enjoy eating their food, it’s important to find the food that your dog finds appealing.

However, always keeps in mind that if your dog has suddenly become a picky eater, and has refused their food for more than 2 or 3 days, this could be a sign of an underlying health issue.

Finding the Right Food for Your Pup

It’s essential to discover the ideal food for your furry friend to ensure they’re getting the proper nutrition they need.

If your dog is all of a sudden being a picky eater, it’s crucial to evaluate its current diet.

Perhaps it’s time to switch things up and find a new type of food that will entice them.

Here are three things to consider when finding the right food for your picky pup:

1. Age: If you have a young puppy who’s a picky eater, it could be a sign of a more significant problem.

A six-month-old puppy that has become a picky eater may need to see a vet to rule out any underlying health concerns.

2. Size: What to feed a picky small dog may differ from what you would feed a larger breed dog.

Small dogs or older dogs may need smaller pieces of kibble or softer food to help them chew and digest their meals.

3. Ingredients: When looking for new food for your furry friend, it’s essential to read the label and really understand the ingredients.

Dogs may have allergies or preferences for certain flavors, so it’s crucial to find a food that works for them.

Tips for Encouraging Your Dog to Eat

Encouraging a pup to eat can be a tricky task, but there are ways to make mealtime more enticing and enjoyable for them.

If your dog is being a picky eater all of a sudden or has always been one, there are a few things you can try.

First, consider changing their diet.

Look for high-quality dog food that is made with real meat and doesn’t contain fillers or artificial preservatives.

Consider a raw food diet that is naturally what they would eat in the wild and has been proven to extend the life of our fur friends.

You can also try adding some wet food or a topper to dry food to make it more appetizing.

If your puppy is a picky eater, try feeding them smaller meals more often throughout the day.

This can help them maintain their weight and keep their energy levels up.

You can also try hand-feeding them their meals to get them more excited about eating.

Another trick is to feed them in a separate room away from the distractions of other pets or people.

And if your picky eater needs to gain weight, consider adding healthy supplements to their meals, such as canned pumpkin or boiled chicken.

If your dog’s picky eating habits persist or are accompanied by other symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhea, it’s important to take them to the vet for an exam.

More often than not, a dog becomes a picky eater simply because they do not like the food you have chosen to feed them.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I change up my dog’s food to avoid picky eating habits?

I’ve learned that once you find the right food for your dog, no matter their size, so long as you are not over-feeding or giving too many treats and they are receiving adequate exercise throughout their day, they will no longer be picky eaters.

Dogs thrive on routine and familiarity, so focus on finding a high-quality food that your dog enjoys and stick with it.

Remember that dogs won’t starve themselves, and a little competition or hand-feeding can often improve their appetite.

Should I be concerned if my dog regularly skips meals?

As a dog owner, I’ve often wondered if I should be concerned when my furry friend skips meals.

Relax, because dogs won’t let themselves starve, even if they’re picky eaters.

As humans, we tend to fall into the trap of treating our pets like small children who need to eat three meals a day to grow big and strong, but that’s not the case in the dog world.

In fact, free feeding (leaving food out all day as you would for a cat) is not natural for a dog and can actually create behavioral issues.

Hand feeding is another way to show your dog that you are really in control of their food.

If your dog is a picky eater and regularly skips meals, don’t worry too much and trust that they won’t let themselves starve.

Are there any specific breeds that are more prone to picky eating?

I’ve always been curious about whether there are certain breeds that are more prone to picky eating.

While it seems that smaller breeds may be more discerning about their food than others, ultimately any dog can become a picky eater.

Often, we are helping to create a picky eater by free feeding, rather than setting regular food times, feeding too many treats throughout the day, not providing enough daily exercise, or not choosing the right food for our dog.


I hope this article has helped you to understand why dogs may become picky eaters.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly doctoring their food or worrying they aren’t getting enough nutrients, when the truth is often as simple as the dog telling us that they don’t like the food in their bowl, by refusing to eat it.

While they won’t starve themselves to death if there is nothing offered that they actually want to eat (like people) dogs know what they like.

By understanding the common causes of picky eating, such as smell and taste preferences, and finding the right food for your pup, you can encourage them to eat without resorting to unhealthy habits.

With a little patience and understanding of what your dog is trying to tell you when they refuse the food you are offering, you can help them develop healthy eating habits for a happy, long life.

– Asia
Dog Whispering for 40+ years – Dog Training in Victoria
© Since 2008

Resource: Newsweek